Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Who me? Opinionated?

Opinion: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter (according to Merriam Webster Online that is)

So keith and I were talking last night about ME. If you know anything about me, you probably know that it wouldn't be hard for us to come to the conclusion that I'm...well...extremely opinionated. I have certainly reached this self-knowledge prior to yesterday evening, but I have yet to really tackle the issue.

Am I really opinionated-more so than others- or is it just that i actually state it aloud more than others?

If I really do weigh this much on the opinionated scale, do I need to go on a diet? What would that look like? Do i bother or intimidate others? Do I keep people from speaking up?

Here's an opinion: I really am not as opinionated as my mouth may make me seem. I often debate inside my head. Even when I do say something with an extreme amount of passion behind it, there is still an internal peice of me that disagrees or leaves my statement open for questioning. So while I may seem temporarily closeminded or "set", it's just me getting some entertainment out of myself. In fact, I do believe that I think aloud or reach some level of self-actualization as I express myself- so my thoughts are not fully processed before they are shared.

Maybe I'm kidding myself. Maybe I am just opinionated.

What do you think?

And, I will admit, many of my opinions can teeter on ridiculous. But not all...There are those opinions backed up by my real and strong values. Some are based solely on EVE principles...where these principles come from or are founded are in a mystery in itself. I just like having principles in my pocket in case a situation comes along where i must take sides or where i must decide soon. Do you have principles in your pockets? Do you have values in your spirit?

PLEASE post comments and let me know what you think of my opinionatedNESS.


Justin said...

Eve, I think your opinionated nature is a key part of your personality. I hope you don't ever change in that regard.

Two more things. One, I think that you seem very opinionated only in the context of a culture that is too appreciative of "balanced" and making everyone happy (especially true/expected of females I think). Or, when a person does think strongly, people are passive-agressive about sharing because lord forbid we endure a bit of conflict.

Two, I think, if you're in the process of self-discovery and change, you should consider that it's possible be opinionated but also tactful. In other words, how we express our opinions matters depending on the audience and purpose. Some situations require passion and fire; others are better served by calm and gentleness. This is a lesson I have not mastered.

Anonymous said...

I love your opinionated attitude! For the most part, I like it because it makes me think. Because of you, I love the saying, "What does that look like?" Remember when we would just say that about something because it was funny. However funny it may be, it is a true question that should try to be answered. Haha, o-pin-ion-a-ted!