Tuesday, August 30, 2011

American girls off to the UK!

After a year of waiting and catalogue perusing, Claire finally had her moment. With some cousins and grandmas, we traveled to downtown Chicago to the famous American Girl store located adjacent to the Lego metropolis if any of have boys...The tradition in the Jagger extended family is for the little girls to pick out an American girl when she turns 5. Since we will be overseas when Claire turns 5, she was allowed to get one half a year early to accompany her on the plane ride to Scotland. She thoroughly delighted in the shopping and tea party afterwards.

The American Girl store is overwhelming- dizzying even with the walls lined with books, dolls, accessories and who knows what else... I at least find it positive that the dolls each represent a historical period about which the girls can learn through books and the dolls' clothes and styles. Claire chose the 1970's doll while the 1800's or early 1900's dolls seemed more appealing to me. I had to let go of control, though, and Claire chose her Julie doll (whose long blonde hair makes me think Claire chose her because she most resembles the typical Barbie doll), who interestingly enough, is moving to a new home and school in her first book. Should be a helpful way for Claire to work through her emotions and thoughts during our major move and transition.

Updates? Keith leaves this week for the UK. We have been packing and organizing into the wee hours of the night. Claire, Autumn, and I along with Grandma Chris will be leaving about a week from now. I am unsure what the furnished place we have rented will look like, but it is in town (though on the outskirts) and within walking distance of the supermarket and Claire's school which will be helpful with no car. Claire will actually be starting kindergarten or primary school as they call it because she only has to be 5 by Feb in the UK. She is more than ready and with no friends yet, I'm not sure what I'd do with her in the house all day- especially while Im trying to figure out the local culture. I'm most excited that she will be wearing a uniform and we won't have to fight over her morning outfit;)

Aside from the long plane rides, we are excited to get there and get settled. We have enjoyed our families this summer, but we are ready for our own little family time and more than ready to stop living out of a suitcase. There is a great deal we could be worried about, but God continues to remind us to have faith, take a leap, and enjoy the journey. We will be in touch. I plan to use this blog as a way to share stories, experiences, and regular updates. I changed the blog name, as you might have noticed, and replaced it with one that shares a phrase from the Scottish poet Robert Burns in his poem, "To A Mountain Daisy". So mark your calendars for a visit to the UK!