On Wed, March 30 my little family of 3 was blessed with a new addition- a beautiful, healthy, and cherished daughter. Autumn Leigh Jagger was 8 lbs 12 oz and made it through labor like a champ.
We felt so blessed to be able to bring her into the world through natural childbirth and with only 2 hours spent in the hospital. It seems our Bradley Method class prepared and educated us well to make it through the early stages of labor at home and with little awareness of any "pain". Though Autumn was a week "overdue" it seems the LORD knew the best timing for her to enter the world. I must say I appreciate that He chose a time that allowed us a full nights rest before hard labor and a time when someone was here to care for Claire. By the time we arrived at the hospital I was already 7cm dialated and ready to lean on a birthing ball for the rest of the labor. Keith did great as a coach, was quiet when I asked but fully present throughout the experience. The midwife allowed him to announce "It's a girl!" and allowed me to deliver in whatever position felt comfortable. Our nurse was fully attentive, sensitive, and considerate of my needs and wishes.
When Claire first met Autumn, she was all smiles and pride. She said "Mommy, she has the same nose as me!" Such a precious moment when Claire first held her and realized she had a little sister.
I must say we are all adjusting well. Claire wants to hold and kiss her sister constantly. Keith is sleeping just about all night and I only have to get up to nurse after which Autumn goes right back to sleep. She continues to sleep well during the day too. She has occasional fussy periods, but nothing like the colic behavior Claire exhibited constantly. So, at this point, I feel like the transition from 0 children to 1 was much more drastic than this move from 1 to 2. We are getting ready to move from Wilmore and then likely overseas to Scotland in September so there is a lot of change coming for us. As for now, I'm enjoying time at home with my girls and appreciating the spring weather. Nursing is exhausting, as expected, but I'm glad I'm able to nurse and take it easy without worrying about work or school.
Welcome to the world our lovely Autumn Leigh whose name means "harvest" (or abundance) and "clearing". Claire brings us "Clarity" and Autumn brings us into a place of perspective and abundance with her new little life filling up our family.