Despite some minor aggression and threats received from a cute little boy in her carpool (obviously taking his 3 year old anxiety out on confident Claire), she showed no anxiety about her first day and left me for her classroom with one quick kiss. She was just as giddy when I picked her up as when I had dropped her off with crafts to display. When I picked her up on her second day, she beamed up at me and said, "I had a great day at school today, Mommy." It is fun to watch gittery three and four year olds scurry about their new classroom, bumping into one another and exchanging odd stares, but never talking to one another. Who needs to play with a friend when you can play merrily next to a friend?
So I'm proud of my little independent lady. As for myself, I feel directionless with only one class left, but a full year left in Wilmore- and God only knows what after this... I'm hunkered down on the outskirts of the tall grass, not sure when, where, or how to take a step out. I do know that the Lord has been deeply faithful to me in this time. He has accomplished what He asked me to have the faith for Him to accomplish. I'm just still living on faith, unsure of what that is or what awaits for me: "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy" (Psalm 126:3)